Develop a call plan for key accounts
Now that you have a team of key account managers, it's time to put them to work. And for that, your managers need a detailed call plan. Now, it's not just a call plan like a salesperson would use. Think of it more as a relationship plan with detailed information about when and why you'll visit certain employees at the key account. Start with your key account task. It addresses four questions. Who are we targeting within the account? Remember now, this should be specific people or a group of people in the account.
What are we trying to achieve? These are specific outcomes that are linked directly to your overall key account management objectives. How are we going to achieve success? These are detailed programs of what the manager will do within a specific time frame. And finally, where will the manager get support for the initiatives? This means who are the specific people in departments inside and outside, who you're counting on for support? Because without them, your initiatives will fail.
Beginning with who you will call on.