How Important is Job Satisfaction in Today's Workplace?
Factors of Workplace Satisfaction
Keeping employees engaged and satisfied takes more than just good pay and benefits. The following list reveals some of the key job satisfaction aspects cited by employees:
Respect – According to the SHRM report, employees rate respectful treatment of all employees as the most important factor in job satisfaction.
Trust – Perhaps because of workplace uncertainty in the years following the Great Recession, employees indicated that trust between themselves and senior management was another highly important satisfaction factor.
Security – If you've ever had to go to work each day wondering whether your job is secure, you know it can cause a great deal of anxiety. Organizations can provide a sense of security through honest communication and transparency about the company's health and long-term viability.
Healthy Environment – Workplaces that are free from stress, morale issues, harassment and discriminatory practices can create a positive and healthy environment for everyone.
Career Path – No one wants a dead-end job. Employees are more likely to excel when they can see an established upward path, with the opportunity to earn a higher wage and take on greater responsibilities.
Pay and Benefits – Good wages aren't the only reason employees find satisfaction in their jobs, but they typically rank high on the list. Competitive pay generally makes employees feel valued, and gives them less reason to look elsewhere for work.