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Business World & Useful Network => Useful Social Network => LinkedIn => Topic started by: Reyed Mia (Apprentice, DIU) on April 17, 2017, 11:04:50 AM

Title: How to Create a Target List of Companies
Post by: Reyed Mia (Apprentice, DIU) on April 17, 2017, 11:04:50 AM
How to Create a Target List of Companies

If you don't have a target list of companies - a short list of employers you would be thrilled to work for - it's a good idea to research company information and create a list of companies to target in your job search.

Take the Time to Target Companies
It's important to take the time to research companies. You're wasting time and energy if you just apply for any job opening you find, even though you might feel like you're accomplishing something by sending out tons of resumes.

The time you spend upfront investigating companies will benefit you in the long run because you won't be spending time and energy applying to companies that aren't a good fit. Instead, you will be applying for jobs at companies where you would like to work.

Why Matchmaking Matters
When the company isn't the right fit for your skills, qualifications and goals, there isn't much point in pursuing opportunities there - even in a down job market. Why not? Because, in the long run, the job probably isn't going to work out for you - or for the company.

Choosing Companies
How do you find companies that are a good match? There are websites with lists of the best companies to work for. Fortune, for example, ranks companies by a variety of criteria, including the 100 best companies, the 500 top companies, blue ribbon companies, most admired companies, best small companies, and so on.
Your local Chamber of Commerce is an ideal resource for finding local companies. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has a directory you can search to find your local Chamber of Commerce. Then visit the Chamber's website to see if there is a directory of local companies.

Finding Company Information
Once you've found companies to target, the next step is to research the company to verify that it is, in fact, a good match.
Use LinkedIn's companies section as a tool to find company information. Search by keyword or browse industry information. You'll be able see your connections at the company, new hires, promotions, jobs posted, related companies, and company statistics.
Visit You'll find company reviews, ratings, salaries, CEO approval rating, competitors, content providers, and more company

Finding Job Listings
Once you have found companies you're interested in, start checking out job opportunities. Visit the company web site to review open positions. Most companies have an employment section with current job openings, and you may be able to apply directly online.

Finding Contacts
Next, you need to find contacts at the company who can help you get a foot in the door. The LinkedIn company pages I mentioned will show you your contacts at the company. Outreach to them letting them know of your interest and asking if they can help.
Search Facebook Groups by company name to see if there is a Group for your target company. Ford Motor Company, for example, has a group for people who work, have worked, or will work for Ford.
