7 Empowering Phrases To Tell Yourself When Life Doesn't Go Your Way
Sometimes life doesn?t go our way, and we can feel frustrated, angry and upset. Everyone experiences this, and it is up to you to choose how you will react to difficult times. It may be tempting to feel negative, but using positive phrases and words can make a huge difference.
In reality life will always have ups and downs, and true happiness isn?t a life without problems. True happiness is the ability to deal with whatever comes your way, even if you find yourself in an unpleasant situation.
It isn?t what the world gives you that counts ? what counts is how you deal with what you get. Here are 7 empowering phrases to tell yourself when life doesn?t go your way.
1. ?Nothing Is Permanent?
Every night it is dark, but every morning the sun comes up. You watch the darkness turn to light every day, but it is easy to forget that nothing is permanent when you are going through a difficult time. Things may not be good now but eventually your situation will change. The pain won?t last forever, and every day is a new beginning. You can choose to take the new day and make the best of it, or you can choose not to.
2. ?My Scars Show Strength, Not Weakness?
Lots of people worry that bad experiences have damaged them, but in reality they make people stronger. You may have an emotional scar, but the wound has healed and the hurt is now over. You have learned from the experience, and the scars are proof that you can overcome anything, no matter how difficult it feels.
3. ?I Can Stay Positive When Others Are Negative?
Sometimes people in your life will try to bring you down, but you don?t have to listen to them. Keep smiling and focusing on being positive, and remember that negative people are normally very unhappy. They want to drag you down to their level, but you can choose to not listen. You are your own person, and you don?t have to deal with problems by being negative ? that is their choice, not yours.
4. ?Going Through Pain Will Make Me Wiser?
Every painful experience is a lesson that you can learn from. At the time it may be difficult to see what the lesson is, but as you move on you will realize that the difficult times taught you a lot about yourself. Be patient when you are struggling, and remember that eventually you will be a wiser version of yourself.
5. ?Even When I Am Struggling I Am Moving Forward?
When you are struggling you are moving forward, even if it doesn?t feel like it. You may experience career or relationship struggles, but they will help you to progress through life so that you can find true happiness. The struggle will be worth it, so get your head down and work through the difficult times.
6. ?Fear Changes Nothing?
If you chose to always focus on the bad things that could happen, you will never reach your full potential. The people who complain and worry the most normally accomplish the least, as they are too busy worrying to actually be productive. Try to focus on the best thing that could happen, instead of the worst, and you will soon feel motivated to take risks and chances.
7.?The Best Option Is To Keep Going?
Life will knock you down, but you have to get up ? again and again and again. At times it will feel like it is impossible to get back up again, but you are strong and you can do it. Life may be difficult but you are ready to deal with anything that it throws your way.
Source: http://www.lifehack.org/522715/7-empowering-phrases-to-tell-yourself-when-life-doesnt-go-your-way