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Business World & Useful Network => Useful Social Network => LinkedIn => Topic started by: Reyed Mia (Apprentice, DIU) on April 17, 2017, 12:58:23 PM

Title: Give 5 LinkedIn Recommendations, Get 5 LinkedIn Recommendations
Post by: Reyed Mia (Apprentice, DIU) on April 17, 2017, 12:58:23 PM
Give 5 LinkedIn Recommendations, Get 5 LinkedIn Recommendations

Select Five Contacts

Today, your goal is to receive five recommendations from LinkedIn connections. However, to get these recommendations, you first have to give recommendations. Make a list of five of your LinkedIn connections from whom you would like to receive a recommendation.

Select people who you believe would give you a favorable recommendation, and who you feel you could also recommend. Preferably, they should be people with whom you have worked.

If you cannot think of five ideal people with whom you are already connected on LinkedIn, search LinkedIn for staff at your company or former companies.

Give a Recommendation

Write a LinkedIn recommendation for each of these five people. Again, make sure you select people for whom you feel you can write a positive recommendation, and whom you know think highly of you as well.

Writing this recommendation will likely make each contact want to recommend you as well, out of a sense of gratitude.

Request a Recommendation

Once you have posted a recommendation on a person's LinkedIn page, send him or her a LinkedIn message explaining that you gave the contact a recommendation.

Explain why you chose to give them a recommendation (summarize some of the positive qualities you outlined in the recommendation).

Manage Your Recommendations

Once you receive a recommendation, you will get a notification via email, and will be able to see the recommendation. If for any reason you do not want the recommendation on your profile, you can choose not to publish it.

Be Patient

Remember, your five connections may choose not to write you a recommendation in response. However, giving a recommendation is the best way to get a recommendation.
If you do not receive a recommendation from these connections, consider giving recommendations to other people in your network, and asking them for recommendations in return.
