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Career Counseling, Self Development, Skill Enhancer => HR Track => Basic Concepts of HR => Topic started by: Suraya Yasmen on September 27, 2018, 12:59:35 PM

Title: Functions of Human Resource Management
Post by: Suraya Yasmen on September 27, 2018, 12:59:35 PM
Functions of Human Resource Management
Posted By: Zkjadoon
Posted: September 16, 2015

Functions of human resource management described the scope of HR department. Every organization has its human resources, which should be managed effectively, because the success of the organization in the competitive environment is only due to the human resource factors, as all the other resources like financial, technological etc are common to almost every organization. The HR department plays central role in managing the employees of the organization. For this purpose, it performs certain functions of the Human Resource Management, which we may also the key functions of human resource management. You should be aware of them all.


Functions of Human Resource Management

    2.Human Resource Development
    3.Compensation & Benefits:
    4.Safety & Health
    5.Employee & Labor Relations
    6.Human Resource Research

Now each function is discussed one by one.


The organization can become effective when it possess the qualified persons, who are designated for specific position along with the proper place & timing. This would make an organization to achieve its organizational objectives. Organization gets such qualified employees on time when its HR department performs effective staffing function. Following are the important activities of the staffing function of HR department.

       01- Job Analysis

      02- Human Resource Planning (HRP)

      03- Recruitment

      04- Selection

  Job Analysis

In job analysis, systematic effort is made to ascertain the knowledge, skills & duties necessary to perform certain jobs in the organization.

   Human Resource Planning (HRP)

Human Resource Planning is the systematic activity of staffing function of HR department, in which the requirements of human resource are reviewed in order to confirm that the required number of workers  with the require skills & knowledge are made available when they are demanded.


Recruitment is the systematic process of attracting & encouraging relatively large number of applicants to apply for the required jobs of the organization.


Selection is the final systematic process through which the organization identifies the best persons from a pool of applicants for the job that can effectively fulfill the required criteria of performing the desired duties in the organization.

    2.Human Resource Development

Functions of human resource management include another important role of the Hr department in which the training & development of the employees is conducted along with the career planning. For this purpose, certain activities including performance appraisals are performed that identifies the needs for training & development of the specified employees. The training is designed & given to provide the employees with the required skills & knowledge for their current positions of the jobs. While development is much broader than training in which the future aspect of employees are covered by providing them sufficient & knowledge to perform more complex duties of future jobs.

The individual as well as the teams of employees can benefit from the human resource development which ultimately benefits the organization by improving its entire performance. The human resource development is not an optional activity but rather it the necessity of the employees as well as organization to cover the changing skills, jobs & technology of the world.

Career planning is much more advance activity in which the employee determine his career goals & then he try to point out the proper means to accomplish those goals. Organizations also use career development in which properly qualified & experienced people are made available to the organization when needed. The performance appraisals are prepared to check the performance level of the employees by analyzing the performed tasked.

    Compensation & Benefits

The HR department has also responsibility to perform the function of compensation & employee benefits. The compensation is defined as all the rewards that are obtained by the employee as a result of his employment. These rewards may take any of the following forms.


The money received by an employee for performing his job.


Benefits are those extra financial rewards that are received other than pay. Benefits include sick leaves, paid leaves, holiday& medical insurance.

    Non-financial Rewards

There are also some non financial rewards that are availed by the employees & which are non-monetary in nature like pleasant working environment & delightedness of work performed etc.

    4.Safety & Health

Safety & health is included in the functions of human resource management performed by the HR department of the organization. In this function the safety of the employees form serious accidents in working environment is ensured. Health is little different from safety in such a way that it is related to the normal physical & mental well-being of employees that make them free from the illness. The safety & health issue of the employees is very crucial for the HR department because employees are asset of the organization & their good health in a safe working environment ensures the increased productivity & effectiveness of the organization in the long run.

   5. Employees & Labor Relations

The unionism of the employees is becoming popular for many years & now it becomes compulsory by law for the organizations to declare a union of its employees & bargain with the union on certain matters. If the employees of the organization wants to join the union, then the organization do not put pressure on them for prevention. Although unionism is an earlier concept which is also working in the private industry but still many organizations try to keep a union free environment because unions can become harmful for the organizations if they are not properly handled.

    6.Human Resource Research

The human resource research is not nominated as a function of the human resource management, but still it is considered to be the one of the functions of HRM because it does not require cost for separate laboratory & provide effective solutions for many issues of the HR department.
