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Career Counseling, Self Development, Skill Enhancer => Career Growth & Self Development => Workplace Behaviour => Topic started by: Md. Anikuzzaman on May 24, 2018, 11:10:15 AM

Title: How to Report Unethical Behavior in the Workplace
Post by: Md. Anikuzzaman on May 24, 2018, 11:10:15 AM
Unethical behavior in the workplace runs the gamut from pilfering pens to spreading false rumors to embezzlement and harassment. Reporting unethical conduct happening at work is the right thing to do, but speaking up can put you in an awkward position. Perhaps you don't want to get your coworker in trouble, you lack strong evidence or you may fear retaliation. At the same time, you don't want to cover up a possible violation of law or company policy. Identify and weigh your reporting options and then take action.

Review the Company Handbook
Consult your organization's rules and policies to determine if the sketchy behavior you observed is prohibited. Reports of unethical behavior are more likely to be taken seriously if you have firsthand knowledge of a clear policy violation.


You're sitting in the back of a movie theatre, and you're shocked to see a professor in the biology department walk in holding hands and flirting with a sophomore student you advise. You happen to know the student is failing every subject but biology. When you're back at work, review the university's policy on consensual relationships between students and faculty, and proceed accordingly.

If you're still unclear about the next steps, you may call the human resources department for instructions, without revealing names at this point.

Submit an Anonymous Report
Employers expect you to report unethical behavior that you see in the workplace, such as fraudulent overtime claims, coming to work inebriated or lying to customers. Consider the pros and cons of reporting anonymously if you have concerns about attaching your name to the complaint. Some companies have a silent witness online reporting form or a 24-hour anonymous tip line for employee concerns. Or, you could write an unsigned note and slip it under the manager's door, for instance. The downside of anonymous reporting is that your complaint may not be deemed credible. To shore up an anonymous complaint, give examples of the unethical behavior, including dates, times and locations of occurrence.


Dear Supervisor Smith: I work with Jane Doe in the advertising department. Jane is running for a local political office. Several of us observed Jane at the office printer and PostScript machine every day this week copying campaign materials. When questioned about it, Jane said she will stop once she raises some campaign money. Jane makes the copies on her lunch break, but she is still using company resources, which I consider unethical. – A concerned coworker

Submit a Signed Written Report
Follow proper procedures for submitting a report of suspected ethical misconduct. Instructions are typically found in the company handbook or in an employee code of conduct policy. Detail adds believability to the report. Attach any supporting documentation, such as emails. When you're in this type of situation, document everything in case you're questioned during an investigation or summoned to court if the unethical behavior being reported is serious and illegal. If coworkers share your concerns, you may wish to submit a joint memo, email or complaint form. Be fair, factual and objective when reporting unethical behavior.


To: John Snow, Human Resource Director
From: Betty Smith, Jill Jones and Kenneth Brown
We're submitting this memo to report suspected unethical behavior on the part of our supervisor, John Doe. For the past six consecutive Mondays, John has called in sick. He looks disheveled and hungover when he returns to work. We overheard John talking loudly on his cell phone this morning. He admitted to taking so-called "mental health days" to enjoy long weekends at the casino. John is a nice guy, but this behavior is unethical.

Request a Private Meeting
Consider meeting with your supervisor to report your concerns about unethical behavior. Bring documentation with you, such as a suspicious expense report submitted to you by an employee who didn't attach receipts. Be calm and professional when making allegations of unethical behavior. Acknowledge that you may not have all the facts when there's some gray area.


Joan Doe consistently arrives 10 minutes late and leaves five minutes early just about every day. I don't know the reason, but I wanted to bring it to your attention in case you weren't aware of her irregular hours.
