Skill Jobs Forum

Career Sector => Photography => Topic started by: nadimpr on April 26, 2017, 09:42:52 AM

Title: Tips for Shooting a Wedding Reception
Post by: nadimpr on April 26, 2017, 09:42:52 AM

If you want to become a professional photographer, shooting wedding ceremonies and receptions is no surprise one of the most popular niches to explore in doing so. Although every couple has different creative visions and compositional preferences, the following tips are pretty consistently helpful to consider when shooting a reception on the big day:

Try standing on a chair, or even packing your own step ladder. Often times, a little elevation can go a long way in helping you achieve the perfect shot. It's nice to have a couple photos in your archive that can show the couple a sweeping view of the entire crowd and room display. With a bit of a boost, the partygoers are less likely to totally block this unique shot.
Try to get a shot of the room before it's full of people. Couples like to look back on the beautiful set-up to reminisce on the beautiful aesthetic they designed and planned together.

If you're trying to capture very small details such as decorations on the cake, you can keep your shutter low. You don't have to worry about stopping moments with these shots, and they'll likely look better this way.

Try shooting wide. You'll be able to achieve a larger, more expansive shot of the entire reception venue if you try a focal length of around 24mm. If you shoot long (around 180-200mm), you will be able to achieve a more immediate feel in your compositions.
