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Education/Family Education and Attitudes Needed for Raising a Good Child

Started by sadia15-9913, September 27, 2018, 01:42:12 AM

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Family Education and Attitudes Needed for Raising a Good Child

While describing the mistakes above, we also mentioned about what is the correct thing to do against these mistakes. Apart from these, we have also shared below the new subjects that indicate the prevalence of the family in the education of the child and what needs to be done.

Psychosocial development (social-emotional development) of children should be monitored and conscious about this issue. According to Erickson's theory of psychosocial development, there are developmental goals and developmental conflicts of all ages. Erickson divides human life into 8 stages in terms of psychosocial development and argues that the conflicts of every stage must be resolved successfully. Unsolved emotional conflicts of any stage will be reflected in the next one and until finding a solution it will become personality problems. In this regard, the importance of family becomes more obvious.
It is necessary to make the child feels that he or she is a child. Approaches such as "You are a man, you are grown now, are you a child!" are abrasive and not educational. Children must play, move around, make little clumsiness, touch to stones and soil, dirty their clothes and live their childhood well. It has been excepted by all child development specialists that especially games are the most important tools for the intelligence development of children.
The fact that technology is developing very fast has enabled adults, too, to witness great changes in a very short time. Years ago, we could not even imagine that technologies like smartphones and tablets. This rapid change creates the consequences of resistance to anxiety and innovation. However, human history has been always going to the better one. It is also reminded by all personal development experts that resisting to the change is not the good.

The willingness of children to spend time with smart technologies or to play games on computers, tablets, or phones is not a something strange or requires prohibition. Families should be aware and careful about this. Instead of forbidding, experts recommend that it is the correct approach to allow them for a certain period of time daily. In fact, some special software is being developed to keep up with the families involved. One of the most important of these is the MentalUP Intelligence Games application.

MentalUP Educational Intelligence Games provide children with daily brain exercises that they can use for a certain period of time. Since these are game-like exercises, they attract children's attention and children do not consider them as an additional responsibility. So, children develop their mental skills while thinking that they are only playing games. If you are wondering MentalUP, you can subscribe and try it for free. MentalUP will give you very important clues about the attention and memory level and visual-verbal-mathematical intelligence potential of your child.

MentalUP Intelligence Games: Try It Now

The prevalence of the family in the development of the child is not only limited with the practices on the child. Providing a peaceful family environment to the child has a significant effect on both educational life and personality development. Child should be stayed away from all arguing and also physical and emotional pressure. Far from yelling at the child, even it negatively affects if family members would be yelling at each other. That's why it is very important to provide a peaceful family environment.
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We also need to share something about the importance of communication in the development of the child. The greater the ability of family members to understand each other, to interpret their behavior, and to perceive their expectations, the more the child will have the better ability to communicate. Communication ability is important not only in academic education but it is an important skill that gives the individual an advantage in every stage of life. Accept your children unconditionally and do not judge them in order to communicate well with children. This will increase their tendency and willingness for positive behaviors.
To Sum Up

Importance of education is based on the requirement for increasing the quality of human's life and endless development for a more livable world. The importance of family is based on the fact that it is actually the basis of a good education. In order to raise a successful, intelligent, and creative child, their parents must be educated and conscious. Because the children we are raising will be the parents of tomorrow, we would never forget the importance of education regardless of our age.
