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Five Steps to Career Planning

Started by Shahriar Tasjid, August 13, 2018, 01:44:38 AM

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Shahriar Tasjid

1. Discover your passion.
Your passion should be the thing you enjoy and for which you are naturally wired to excel. There is a huge difference between a hobby and a passion.For instance, just because you enjoy painting does not necessarily mean you should make it your profession.
the first step in career planning should be to gather information about yourself to assist in making a decision about a career.

2. Determine the demand.

After you have discovered your passion, determine the level of demand for your skills and choose a field. It's risky to plunge into a career with a very low demand, or one with a large number of competitors even though you love it.

3. Do your research.

Conduct a detailed search on the field that you choose.You may need to acquire specific machinery or equipment, or earn a certification, degree, or special training.

5. Become qualified.

To be taken seriously, you must first become a professional. Having a special skill may not be enough to deem you an expert, so acquire the training necessary to become marketable. Take a night, weekend or online class .

Turning your passion into a career requires motivation. Be proactive and take a step every day that gets you nearer your goal. The fruits of your labor will eventually pay off and you'll be well on your way to doing what you love. 
