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Dealing with employees excuses are not difficult

Started by Monirul Islam, July 24, 2018, 12:40:30 PM

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Monirul Islam

"My mom got a heart attack, and that's why I need two days off".

"My neighbor's niece is serious, and I need to take him to the hospital."

"This is taking too much time, and I need more otherwise this will impossible to complete".

I am sorry; I haven't done it yet due to my headache. I will complete it tomorrow."

These are the excuses employers are dealing with on a daily basis and sometimes worst like neighbor's son or any distant relative health issues and the crap list goes on and makes the employer irritate. If this is not enough employees are giving excuses not to take new assignment or even don't complete the pending task on time or even late always at the office or anything that a responsible employee should not do.

Hiring is the most important part and can become a disaster for the companies due to the indiscipline employees and startups, small and mid-scale industries suffer more from this.

Find the reason

First things need to be understood that there must be some reasons for which employees are making excuses or whether it becomes a habit for them to make it on a regular basis. Sometimes, employees avoid doing the extra task for because of overtime and payment issues or some personal reason- in this case, discuss with them and try to fix it on the official level. Check if extra allowances or any other benefits can motivate them to work. Before that, it is necessary to have multiple discussions with different officials with your level and review the performance of that employee and behavior.

Inspire them

Out of many reasons, lack of motivation could be a reason that may force them to make excuses and that deter the company's growth as well as employee's. Here, employer should first identify the ground cause for the lack of motivation and that maybe for the work that is no more interesting or doesn't have an opportunity to grow. Though there may be other reasons outside of it, however, anything can be fixed related to work if employers are serious to resolve. If they are not showing interest in the role, offer them a different role that is related to the field they find interesting or have opportunities to grow. Show them the growth with a proper plan and how they can achieve it and what they should do for it and most importantly what reward company will give after the achievements. The most important thing is the organization should do it on a regular basis with offering rewards/incentives/increment otherwise, employees will feel this is a hoax.

For positive employee

It's natural for an employer to believe the first time excuse however repeated behavior will create a suspicious attitude and this is the time employers should analyze it. Though some employees are expert in making excuses not only for work but also for the leave and for late coming in office, however, it is better to give the first chance, and later should appoint someone to monitor it without informing anyone. If they have the positive attitude with their work but have the same problem, it's time to confront them. It's not difficult to communicate directly with an employee having good track records and have the same ability though h/she may be in a current situation where excuses are the only option.

Deal with negative employee

For the negative employees, confrontation is the only way to resolve the matter as soon as possible, and this will be possible if you know all your team members well. When you know them, you can predict their motivation even though they won't tell you ever and that's not necessary but at least it will be easy to differentiate between good and bad employee. In this case, the manager should be straightforward and ask them regarding the issues and the time to resolve it. If nothing works then a warning but that should not be one but more at least three to see their progress and if nothing works notice period is the final things you can do.
Source: Mintly Blog