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Are You Integrating Personalized Learning Into Your Curriculum?

Started by Monirul Islam, May 20, 2018, 12:23:49 PM

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Monirul Islam

Well, a school is a place we all hold as a dear memory; however, there were also days when school seemed redundant with the same old classroom instructions, lectures, books, and other such activities. With each new day, education is taking an extra step to kill that redundancy and promote a more personalized experience for their students.

As the old school routine became more superfluous, education needed a change for accessibility through transformative technology and personalized learning secures a good place for the same. The whole idea behind personalized learning is to allow students to set their own interests at their own pace and time.

The Amalgamation of Technology & Higher Education

What else can be more fitting than the ideal blend of technological betterments and the need for educational advancements? Where traditional tactics take a step back in the progressive world, advancements like AI and data analytics take the lead and stay up front to show the demanded growth.

How Can These Technologies Be Useful After all?

As per a report, "While 16% of jobs will be lost over the next decade as the result of artificial intelligence and technology, 13.6 million jobs will be created during that time due to the trend." Artificial Intelligence & data analytics are all set to show miracles to the world. And, education is one of the most powerful assets of these technological advancements. There are different ways AI & data analytics prove their mettle in the education industry.

For Students

Helping students at their own pace is one of the prerequisites an educational institution must focus on. Notwithstanding, the very task is not as simple as it sounds. Howbeit, AI comes to the rescue in this scenario by personalizing the learning experience for every student. This all is possible with the combined help of data analytics and AI. Where data analytics helps in gathering and presenting the behavioral as well as learning curves of the students, AI helps the students by putting emphasis on the topics they need help with. Teachers can work as a helping hand to guide the students whenever they feel the need of the additional support.

For Teachers

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AI plays a vital role in helping the teachers in charge as well. Grading every individual is not a sweat task for the teachers anymore. When it comes to the grading of the test papers, including multiple choice questions, data analytics & AI can act as a helping hand to them. However, improving on the incorporation of AI in a wide range of tests is still in infancy yet a rigorous part of ongoing advancement.

Provision of Feedback

AI enables the students to get the additional support at home by generating performance-based tests. Not only this, with the help of data analytics, AI can provide the feedback to the students as well as to the teachers at the same time. This helps the teachers to analyze the areas of concern for the students in order to provide better training on the same in the classroom.

A Must Have For The Businesses?

The world is changing and I believe, no student is ready for an average learning experience. Every business, be it the one leading in the industry or the one, which just started talking business, is trying to lure the students around the world with their provision of enhanced learning experiences.

Students of today won't be satisfied if you provide them with the traditional learning setups, like a classroom and a teacher reading through the notes. They want the incorporation of techniques like adaptive learning, digital courseware, and almost any technology that can help them learn as per their learning curve. This is where startups or other businesses can step in. With the changing world and the implication of various technologies, businesses must step up their strategies with the help of technologies like AI & data analytics.

The Bottom Line Is

Every student is unique and has a different pace of learning, personalized learning will allow students to accelerate at their own pace. The main reason why personalized learning has become such as important part of the higher education system is because of its assessment-driven features, showcasing academic advancements from time spent in a classroom to competencies mastered with experiences. There's no one size fits all in the education space. Now the question is; have you implemented this yet?
