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How to build a personal brand for the perfect job

Started by Monirul Islam, May 19, 2018, 12:23:55 PM

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Monirul Islam

What does your personal brand say about you? Do you have or even need one? And what exactly is it? Business Man Dream Job
When building a personal brand, you are aiming to portray who you authentically are and what you want to be known for. As you embark on your job search, it is helpful to have a well rounded understanding of yourself, the ideal employer, industry, and job opportunities to show the company that you are the best candidate for the position. Imagine your personal brand as a way to advertise yourself to your ideal employer. When advertising something, you need to understand your audience and why they want to buy what your selling. Once you understand your audience, you've done all of the hard work. Always remember, the person who knows you best is you!

Research Job Opportunities and Employers
Whether you are looking to stay in the same field you are currently working in, looking at related opportunities, or starting something new, it is important to have a comprehensive view of the landscape including competency requirements, trends, demand and outlook. This approach can help you develop your personal brand by aligning your experiences, skills and personal brand with the posted background requests outlined in the job opening.

Take time to research and explore the industry and alternative positions outside of what you may be imagining for your future. When learning how to research job opportunities, you need to understand that there are many career paths that you can take and career exploration tools that you can utilize, but its up to you to pave the way. The Occupational Outlook Handbook, published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, for example is a reliable source of information about hundreds of professional fields. It allows you to search by criteria such as entry-level education, on-the-job training, projected industry growth rate and historical median pay. The Handbook periodically highlights featured occupations, many of which you may not have heard of, like Desktop Publishers that use computer software to design page layouts for traditional printed or digital media. Another great resource to help with this resource is CareerOneStop which allows you to learn about job requirements, skills, industries, and outlook demand by particular fields.

Job search sites such as Indeed and LinkedIn also help you review in-depth details about both the industry that you are targeting your search in and the employers you would be interested in working for. Conduct your research from macro to micro by identifying the top performing organizations in the industry as well as targeting the top employers in the area you are searching within. Reviewing job descriptions is helpful when learning more about industry and career key terms to help you brand yourself including opportunities and materials such as:

Elevator pitch
Cover letter
Online job search
Networking conversations
Check out some of the best elevator pitches from Disney Accelerator's inaugural demo night, the grand pageant at the end of the media giant's first startup incubator.
