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How to Ace a Performance Review

Started by Monirul Islam, May 16, 2018, 12:37:22 PM

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Monirul Islam

A performance review is designed to evaluate how you are performing in your role and to identify any areas where training may be required. Many employees feel nervous about their performance review and consider it as a negative meeting, designed for their manager to reprimand them. This is not the case though and the performance review is a two-way street; an opportunity to discuss how you feel you are getting on in your job and for your manager to also articulate their own views. When it comes to undertaking a performance review, preparation is the key. You should be able to express your skills and achievements as part of the process. The performance review is a discussion and a chance to explore different opinions. If you want to ace your performance review, these are some of the steps you should take.

Understand the Process
In order to prepare for your performance review, it is important that you understand the process. There are various formats performance reviews can take, including; ratings based, objectives and 360-degree feedback. The more you understand the performance review process, the better prepared you will be.
Compare Previous Performance Review
If you have undertaken a performance review in the past with your employer, it is a good idea to take a look at it before you start your preparations. In doing this, you can get a clear understanding of what your objectives were from the previous one and whether you have achieved these. If the performance review is only carried out on an annual basis, you will have no doubt forgotten what you discussed during the process.
Evaluate Yourself and Achievements
The performance review is the opportunity for you to express what you feel you have achieved and to identify any areas you wish to improve on. It may be that your manager has the same opinion on your performance or it may be necessary for further discussions to enable you to reach the same conclusion. In order to prepare properly for the performance review, you should evaluate yourself and your achievements. You should be prepared to back up your opinions with evidence. For example, your manager might feel that you are not a team player. However, you may have a completely different opinion and by having evidence to support it; for example, answering calls or asking if anyone needs support, you will be in a better position to ace the review. It is important to remember that your manager has their own job to deal with, so they might not have a clear understanding of what you do on a daily basis. You can turn a poor performance review around if you have evidence to support your opinions.

Detail Your Goals
The performance review is not only designed to gain an understanding of how you are currently performing, but also to talk about your future goals. If you show that you are eager to develop and learn, you can ace your performance review and also give yourself some clear objectives for the future. It is important to take time to assess your future in the company and what you are hoping to achieve, so you can express this to your manager during the review.
