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How Women Entrepreneurs Can Stay Fit Despite a Busy Schedule

Started by Monirul Islam, May 15, 2018, 11:52:23 AM

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Monirul Islam

As an entrepreneur, one must always be ready to wear multiple hats. Multi-tasking, quick-decision making, and time management are a few essential skills required to accomplish entrepreneurial goals. However, it is often seen that a woman entrepreneur struggles to find the perfect work-life balance because she tries to be a modern-day superwoman without a cape. Despite being busy with their entrepreneurial ventures, they are often expected to manage their family and work life effectively. As a result, they tend to overlook the importance of health and emotional well-being.

Importance of Being Healthy:

Emphasizing the importance of health, Sucheta Pal, Zumba® Global Brand Ambassador shared that it's important for women entrepreneurs to take care of themselves in every way possible.

"In this 21st century, we need to shoulder a lot of responsibilities. There's the responsibility of taking care of our family and at the same time bringing a real change in the society. To bring about that change, women need to find their strengths. So, I want to urge every woman to take care of themselves," said Pal.

Fitness Tips for Busy Professionals:

Between multitasking at work and managing family at home, it can seem impossible for many women entrepreneurs to find the time to exercise. Pal further shared a few fitness tips for busy women entrepreneurs

Get Enough Sleep: I cannot emphasize enough the benefits of sleeping but what I would love for you guys to do is get some quality sleep. So, the next time when you go to sleep, make sure that the curtains are completely closed. Maybe invest in some heavy curtains because you need to make sure that when you are going to sleep your room is pitch dark. You need to go in the cavemen kind of era where it was complete darkness at night. So that your mind can finally rest and your body can repair. Also, make sure you are cutting down on any caffeine at night so that instead of getting pumped up, you are in a relaxed state of mind.

Take a Break from Stress: Again going back to cavemen era, this was the time when our ancestors were often chased by wild animals and that was stress for them. But today every second, we are chased by stress. To deal with stress, my suggestion would be to go out in a garden or join a fitness class. Let your mind rest.

Spend Time with your Loved Ones: It's the simplest way of meditation. Spend half an hour quality time with your kid just doing a bit of homework or some activity. Call your parents and spend half an hour listening to what they are saying. Trust me when you finish that call or the activity with your kid, the kind of rejuvenation and the feeling of being re-energized is going to be so intense that your project deadline stress will disappear.
