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Professional Development

Started by Monirul Islam, May 14, 2018, 02:29:00 PM

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Monirul Islam

Continuous growth and development is critical to maintaining the excellence of our staff, and supporting the mission of the campus, now and in the future. There are many options for developing your knowledge, skills, and abilities, and we encourage you to explore them for yourself and with your supervisor. Here are some important thoughts to help you get started, and to continue your development:

You are primarily responsible for your own development. Your supervisor and the organization are partners with you in that effort
There are many possible goals for your learning and development. The 4 primary ones are:
to improve your skills and knowledge in order to raise the level of your job performance
to learn new skills and knowledge in order to take on new responsibilities and enrich your current job
to learn new skills and knowledge in order to advance your career
to leverage your strengths more fully in your job and in the organization
There are many different ways to develop. Some of these include:
challenging assignments on the job
serving on committees or project teams
training classes
temporary job assignments
networking with professional colleagues
Always look for development opportunities, and how you can mine your work and personal experiences for learning and application on the job.
