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Recruit to fill a department weakness

Started by arif, April 20, 2017, 09:53:48 PM

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Recruit to fill a department weakness

Sometimes hiring managers freak out when an employee quits. But don't sweat it. There are things you can do upfront to refine your search and provide results fast. Help your hiring managers realize that everyone is replaceable. Encourage them to wish the employee well but this is also an opportunity for them to improve their team with their next hire. When a manager is caught off-guard by an employee quitting, they'll often focus on duplicating the profile of the person who left.

They want to hire someone as soon as possible versus hiring someone who would most complement their current team. That's when you need to step in and help. Take time to ask your hiring manager to identify possible weaknesses in their company or department. Then, before you begin your recruiting efforts, urge your hiring manager to ask their current team for input. How does this vacancy provide an opportunity to do things better? Often the team will reveal weaknesses in the department because they're dealing with issues and challenges.
