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Development strategies for high potentials

Started by arif, April 20, 2017, 09:34:20 PM

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Development strategies for high potentials

Identifying high potentials is critical but what's next? How do you develop them? Most likely during the identification process you learned about the strengths and areas for development of your high potentials. You've taken a look at how they influence across the organization, which relationships they've built, and how they've had to apply their skills. But everyone has areas to work on even your high potentials. There are many ways to help high potentials gain new skills and foster strong relationships in the organization.

First and foremost focus on how to give high potentials unlimited learning opportunities, they want this, expect it, and thrive on it. This passion for learning shows up in their personal lives as well as their work. Given their desire to learn, don't forget to tap into their energy for learning as part of the opportunities you give them. They both want and need to be stretched. If they feel that they aren't learning and growing their commitment and performance can suffer.

So let's look at some strategies to use.
