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How to focuse on development

Started by arif, April 19, 2017, 11:11:58 PM

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Focusing on development

If it were up to me, I'd change the name of the yearly evaluation or yearly appraisal to the yearly performance discussion. The term performance discussion doesn't imply something positive or negative. It just states a topic. Performance. In contrast, the words evaluation and appraisal, suggest a very critical conversation. That's too bad, because though there are exceptions, the evaluation should definitely be more positive and helpful, than negative and critical. Just remember that your overall focus is on helping and encouraging people. More than merely judging them.

I'm not suggesting you sugar coat anything. I'm simply reminding you to be aware of the balance between these two competing needs. When I think about a focus on development, I think about two major things, changes to their job that help them or the team and various types of tools and resources that might support their continued development. In terms of job changes, first think about how to size ongoing goals. For example, if they're an account representative.
