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HR: Performance Review Foundations

Started by arif, April 19, 2017, 10:25:23 PM

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Performance Review Foundations

People at work don't always agree. And that's normal. But there is at least one thing everyone does agree on. Performance reviews are no fun. I'll be honest. I'm not sure they're supposed to be fun. But I promise you that if you know how to engage the process correctly, the performance review can be insightful, useful, and motivating. And as the boss, it's your job to make that happen. This course will help. We'll start by putting things in perspective and discussing the big picture, including the overall performance cycle and competency models.

Then we'll cover goal-setting, several vital aspects of data collection, writing your employee reviews, and how to effectively conduct evaluation meetings. When you break it down into smaller chunks, the evaluation process is clear, and very manageable. In fact, your employees will thank you when you turn a process that is typically stressful into one that actually helps them understand their job and their future better. So let's get started.
