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Training new hires HR

Started by arif, April 19, 2017, 10:04:27 PM

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Training new hires

New hire training is the fourth stage in the onboarding process. Employees won't be able to contribute if they aren't properly trained. They may even feel bored or restless in their new role. Keep in mind that new hire training should be about results. Your goal is to help new employees quickly learn how to do their jobs. The first step in the process is getting the right stakeholders involved. New hire training is often a partnership between the employee's direct supervisor and the human resources or training department. You may wish use the Onboarding Stakeholders Worksheet to help you do this.

Next, you'll wanna set some goals for your training program. We covered this in the Setting Onboarding Goals movie earlier in this course, but here's a quick recap. A good training program should have measurable objectives that must be met for the training program to be complete. Here's a sample new hire training objective for a contact center. Customer service representatives will provide a correct and timely response to a customer inquiry.
