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Tracking onboarding progress

Started by arif, April 19, 2017, 09:54:06 PM

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Tracking onboarding progress

A corporate on-boarding program can have a lot of different people and steps involved. This video will introduce you to some of the tools you can use to keep track of everything. Large companies with lots of resources might have a learning-management system or a project-management system. Smaller organizations might need to rely on spreadsheets and checklists. The tools I'm gonna share with you can work with whatever resources you have available. Let's start with a tool called a RACI chart. A RACI chart is a process management tool that identifies key people for each step along the way.

Let's look at an example for new employee orientation. RACI is an acronym that refers to four possible roles a person might have. R equals Responsible. This is the person who actually does the task. In this example, let's say an HR coordinator schedules new employee orientation, facilitates the session, and records each person's attendance. A equals Accountable. This is the person who must sign off on the task. For example, a Human Resources manager might.
