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What is the mean of Paying the job?

Started by arif, April 19, 2017, 09:42:48 PM

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Paying the job

Paying the Job is a traditional way that organizations determine the amount of pay an individual makes. If you're a manager what you make most cases and what people who work for you make is determined by the kind of job, the nature of the job, the characteristics of the job that you have and they have. It's an important point because it separates you as an individual, your skills, your inclinations, from what you're paid, it's the job that you are doing. It's not true in all organizations. It's not true as much as it used to be, but it's still the dominant pay method.

The manager know, if you're talking to people working for you, it's very important to emphasize that the basic level of pay that they make is primarily determined by the job that they're doing. One implication of that is, they want to make more money they probably have to move to a higher level job. What do I mean by higher level job? It means one that somehow or another the scoring system that the organization uses is seen as having more responsibility.
