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How to Improve your recruitment process

Started by arif, April 19, 2017, 09:29:45 PM

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Improve your recruitment process

If your best friend was applying to a job at your company, or if you, with the knowledge you have now, were applying, what steps would you take? Is there a recruiter you would avoid? A hiring manager you wouldn't want to interview with? Maybe you would simply walk your resume over to the lead recruiter or hand it directly to the hiring manager. If that's the case, I have to ask the next logical question. If you know your recruiting process needs work, why haven't you done anything about it before? If you wouldn't want to go through your own recruiting process, why do you subject other people to it? Implementing a new diversity recruitment process is a great time to improve the entire process for everyone, and here are five changes that should result in success.

First, start by diversifying your recruiting team. It is difficult to make the case that you are actively seeking diversity when your own team is not reflective of that commitment. Second, acknowledge your own bias. We all have biased behavior. There are over 150 different types of bias.
