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Training evaluation

Started by arif, April 19, 2017, 09:03:24 PM

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Training evaluation

One of your key roles, as a strategic HR partner, is to ensure employees are performing at their best, and if you spend time and money helping them improve performance, you want to show the leaders of your organization that the improvement made an impact on the business. Any formalized learning in your organization should be evaluated, so you can justify the expense, determine the effectiveness, evaluate the training itself, and identify room for improvement. One way to do that is with the model created in 1959 by Dawn Kirkpatrick, called the Kirkpatrick Model, and that will be the focus of this course.

There are a variety of training models out there, but I'm going to use Kirkpatrick's Model, because it is widely popular, and fairly simple. Before we get started, you may want to print out the worksheet, in the exercise files for this course, so you can follow along. Ready? Kirkpatrick's Model has four levels, reaction, learning, behavior, and results. Level one, reaction, is the first way to evaluate training.
