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What is Performance management?

Started by arif, April 19, 2017, 09:01:06 PM

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Performance management

As the person responsible for HR, you hold the key to insuring your employees are performing at their best. Obviously, the better your people perform, the better your organization performs. So let's take a look at what you're responsibilities entail. Performance management is a systematic and ongoing process and it should be tied to organizational goals. Consider your organization's strategy. If one strategic goal is to increase sales by 10%, your job is to ensure the organization has the human resources available to achieve that goal. As a strategic HR partner to your leaders, you should be working with them to determine how that 10% will be achieved.

Does the sales team need to get better at up selling? Does the marketing department need to bring in more customers? Do you need more people on board? Work in partnership with leaders and managers to answer these types of questions. That leads us to manager training. In my experience as an HR consultant, I've come across hundreds of managers and supervisors.
