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7 Free Short Classes You Can Take

Started by bbasujon, April 19, 2017, 07:18:38 AM

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1. How to Become Successful in Every Aspect of Your Life, Udemy

Success doesn't come in a day—but you can get started on the path to it in one hour. This professional development course, taught by a software engineer, is a great resource to begin to tackle those physical, intellectual, and emotional barriers that keep you from reaching the top.

Length: 1 hour/ 15 lectures

2. The Daily Journal—Habit of Successful People, Udemy

How do the most successful people get to where they are? A pen and paper, of course—and this course will walk you through how to use these two things to make big moves in your life.

Length: 31 minutes/ 11 lectures

3. MS Excel—From 0 to Working Professional in One Hour, Udemy

Want to check Excel proficiency off your resume? Boom, a quick solution to mastering this key tool.

Length: 1 hour/ 11 lectures

4. Web Development by Doing: HTML/ CSS From Scratch, Udemy

If you're feeling a bit ambitious about coding, try this easy web development class.

Length: 1 hour/21 lectures

5. Accounting in Only One Hour! A Brief Introduction, Skillshare

Considering a career in accounting, but never have the time to think about it? Well, here's a brief overview to dip your toes into this field in one hour.

Length: 1 hour/ 18 lectures

6. Introduction to Managing Your Personal Finance Debts, ALISON

Getting a hold on your finances doesn't have to take all day—and with this short course, you'll handle them with grace, poise, and speed.

Length: 1 hour

7. Fundamentals of Google Docs, ALISON

Before you finish up your presentation for that big meeting, try out this class and get a quick refresher on all the things you can do in Google Docs.
