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How to Write a Resignation Letter

Started by bbasujon, April 19, 2017, 06:45:22 AM

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Part 1: The Basics of a Resignation Letter

There's no need to sugarcoat or get creative in the beginning; just state the position you're resigning from and the effective date. While you probably shared with your boss your reasons for leaving, you don't need to describe them here—keeping it simple is perfectly fine. (No need to, um, create an "I quit" video.)

Dear [your boss' name],

Please accept this letter as formal notification that I am resigning from my position as [position title] with [company name]. My last day will be [your last day—usually two weeks from the date you give notice].

Part 2: The Thank-You

Next, it's always a good idea to thank your employer for the opportunity, describing some of the key things you've enjoyed and learned on the job. And yes, this is true even if you're thrilled to be leaving. Remember—you may need these people for a reference down the line, and leaving things on a good note will leave a lasting (positive) impression.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to work in this position for the past [amount of time you've been in the role]. I've greatly enjoyed and appreciated the opportunities I've had to [a few of your favorite job responsibilities], and I've learned [a few specific things you've learned on the job], all of which I will take with me throughout my career.

Part 3: The Hand-Off

Finally, state your willingness to help out with the transition. You don't need to go into great detail (and definitely don't promise anything you can't deliver), but a couple of lines stating that you'll ensure a smooth wrap-up of your duties will show that you're in the game until the very end.

During my last two weeks, I'll do everything possible to wrap up my duties and train other team members. Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to aid during the transition.

I wish the company continued success, and I hope to stay in touch in the future.


[Your name]

Obviously, feel free to adjust this a bit based on your experience and your company culture, then submit it via the typical procedures at your company.

Sure, it may sit in the depths of HR until the end of time, but you can be sure of two things: One, your former boss (and future reference) will read it and be impressed. And two, if you ever decide to come back to your company (hey, it happens), it's a very good thing that last thing on file is a great, professionally written resignation letter.

Happy quitting!