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The 9 Best Things You Can Read Before You Start Your New Job

Started by bbasujon, April 19, 2017, 06:00:07 AM

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1. Your Guide to Your First Week on the Job

The perfect way to set yourself up for success if you're about to start that nerve-wracking first week.

2. 3 Things You're Overthinking at Your New Job (and 3 Things You're Not Thinking About Enough)

To help make sense of all of those nerves, here are a few things you're probably overthinking (and how to stop!).

3. Ask a Career Coach: How Do I Make My Mark When I'm New at Work?

We all want to make a great impression (and prove that we were the right choice!) in the first few weeks after starting. Our resident career coach shares how to do just that.

4. 3 Basic Mistakes You Can't Blame on the Fact That You're the New Person

Making mistakes because you're just starting is expected. But you can't really blame these three on being the new kid in town.

5. Excuse Me, Silly Question Hereā€”But What Exactly Is a 401K?

Yes, you should be thinking of your savings starting from day one of that new job! And yes, you're not the only adult out there who needs this refresher.

6. How to Ask for Time Off at Your New Job (the Right Way)

If you're too scared to put in a vacation request for that family wedding coming up (because you just got to this job! What will your boss think?), this'll help curb those worries.

7. The 6 Unwritten Company Rules You Won't Find in the Employee Handbook

No matter how comprehensive your orientation is, there are just some things you won't learn about the job and culture in a handbook.

8. 5 Impressive Things All Smart People Do When They Start a New Job

Find out how to use the 70/30 rule, as well as four other tricks, to establish yourself as the team all-star.

9. 4 Insane Thoughts Everyone Has When Starting a New Job (and How to Keep Your Crazy in Check)

Finally, no matter how excited you are for a position, the first few days are rough. Here's what might be going through your head as you try to adjust.
