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5 Quick Tips for Introverts in Sales

Started by bbasujon, April 19, 2017, 05:46:55 AM

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1. Be the Real You

The key to confidence in sales is knowing and owning your selling style. Many people have a false perception that they must be pushy or "salesy" to succeed.

You don't. You can be quiet, introverted, goofy. You don't have to fake it, you just have to be you (in the way you're most comfortable).

2. Make it Personal

Your story is what makes you memorable. Talk about yourself and what makes you unique—your hobbies, your family, your love of pickles, whatever. People remember the person, not the product. And no one can question your expertise in yourself.

3. Don't Quit Before You Get Started

Half of the people I talk to say they're terrible at following up.

Newsflash—the money is all in the follow-up. This is the single, easiest thing you can do to increase sales. The first ask is only the beginning.

Not everyone is ready to buy today. If someone tells you they're not ready or puts off the discussion, its OK.

But, you need to check in—tomorrow, next month, next year. 60% of sales are made after the fourth discussion, yet 94% of people quit after the fourth call, says Jack Canfield in his book The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. The reality is those 6% are making a lot more money.

4. Say Good-Bye to Guilt

Being successful in sales is about having the right mindset. If you feel guilty about asking someone to buy, you're already setting yourself up for failure.

Instead, approach each discussion knowing that selling is serving, and that you may have a "sacred contract" with the person you're talking to. You're sharing your special gift, or your magic, with someone. There are people who're as much in need of what you have as you are to share it.

Yes, we used the L-word!


5. Show Up and Be Seen

Not publicizing our gifts can be especially hard for us as introverts. Your amazing business shouldn't be your best kept secret. And, no one can find you if you're hiding your awesomeness.

Take a baby step: post your writing on Facebook, show a friend your art, just take a small leap to show someone your skills. You may be surprised at how great it feels and what amazing feedback you receive.
