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Q. What should a good follow-up email to an interviewer include?

Started by arif, April 18, 2017, 11:46:35 PM

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Q. What should a good follow-up email to an interviewer include?

A. Assuming you've already thanked the interviewer via email, you can follow up by saying, "Dear XYZ, I hope this email finds you well. Just wanted to follow up with you regarding next steps. I enjoyed meeting with you last week and look forward to learning more about the position."

The goal is three-fold: To stay top of mind, to find out about next steps and then to show continued interest in the position.

It's always a good idea during the interview to tell the recruiter or hiring manager you plan on following up. In fact, I used to encourage my candidates to reach out to me if they hadn't heard back. If I didn't reach out to them, it wasn't because I wasn't interested in offering them the job—it was because I was juggling close to 150 candidates. Following up every 10 days to two weeks is a good rule of thumb.
