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Managing Your Learning

Started by bbasujon, April 17, 2017, 10:06:40 AM

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We attend training programs for all sorts of reasons. We might want to upgrade our skills, learn new things, or take longer-term training to change careers, or earn an advanced degree.

The method of learning can range from face-to-face training in a classroom to various online formats (like our Bite-Sized Training sessions) and other computer-based training.

The main reason for all training is to learn something new or improve a skill. But what determines how much you learn and how successful the training is? Often it's the effort you put into it.

You can't rely on the instructor to deliver a program that exactly meets your needs. And you can't rely on the person who designed the training, or the person who suggested that you attend in the first place. You must be responsible for your own learning.

This article helps you make the very most of your training opportunities.