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A List Of Non-Sense You Say That Make You Instantly Unprofessional

Started by Reyed Mia (Apprentice, DIU), April 16, 2017, 04:52:50 PM

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Reyed Mia (Apprentice, DIU)

A List Of Non-Sense You Say That Make You Instantly Unprofessional

While the old adage, ?Actions speak louder than words,? may have some definite truth to it, there are some words and phrases that career-minded, successful people say every day. On the other side of the proverbial coin, there are also some things that unprofessional, unsuccessful people tend to spout off. Sometimes, they are not even aware that they are doing it. So many of these phrases have become social norms, making it difficult to break the habit of using them in your daily conversations. Unfortunately, they are doing more harm than good.
When it comes to their staff, managers and other employers only want the best employees working for them. As an employee, you represent the company. As an independent contractor, business owner, or freelancer, you represent your own brand. How you come across is just as important as the quality of your work. Sounding unprofessional reflects poorly on you, on your brand, and on your company. This, in turn, adversely affects your reputation.
To make sure you aren?t letting these unprofessional statements slip while in your place of work, below is a comprehensive list of syllogistic sayings that you may not even realize you are using. These unprofessional quotes are quite common, and range from petty to whiny, to just downright rude. No matter the tone they convey, or the context in which they are said, all of them should be avoided. Since coming across as unprofessional is a definite ?no-no? in a place of work, it is best to avoid using any of the following 51 phrases.
Take pride in your brand, and keep your employer or clients happy, by keeping these phrases out of your repertoire:

?I?m not feeling well enough. ?
?I?m just doing what you told me to do.?
?That was my idea!?
?No problem.?
?I?m a guru.?
?I know you have to go, but let me just tell you one more thing.?
?It?s our policy.?
?Look what I bought!?
?I thought of that first!?
?I?ll start tomorrow.?
?Sorry (not sorry).?
?Sorry, I forgot.?
?Sorry I?m late.?
?Full disclosure? ?
?I?m so hung-over.?
?We?ve always done it this way.?
?I assume??
?Because I?m the boss.?
?Look how much I saved!?
?I?m overwhelmed!?
?I?m kind of a big deal.?
?What will it take to get you to buy?? (??to get you in this car today?, ??to get you to sign up?, etc.)
?It?s probably not very good.?
?You?re so smart!? (Any form of sucking up is unprofessional.)
?It?s not fair!?
?That?s just how it is.?
?It?s none of your business.?
?Before you say that, let me just say? ?
?That?s not my job.?
?We?ve got big plans!?
?They?ll never notice.?
?I can?t forgive.?
?That?s nothing.?
?Let?s go along in order to get along.?
?That?s too hard.?
?I already know that.?
?You must have read into things.?
?I could?ve done it better.?
?I?m not impressed.?
?That?s a stupid idea.?
?Information is a commodity.?
?It?ll be OK.?
?You wouldn?t understand.?
?Know your place.?
?Could be? ?
?I?m not afraid.?
?That?s my secret.?
?I don?t know why they asked me? ?
?Why?? (as opposed to ?Why not??)

You would not want to be seen slacking off, wearing an inappropriate outfit in the office, or doing a poor job. Why? Because doing those things make you seem unprofessional. This holds true for everything you say in your place of employment, just as much as it does for your behavior. Your employer judges you by both, and so do your customers and/or clients. As such, it?s best to avoid saying this list of phrases that make you seem anything less than the professional you wish to be seen as.

Reyed Mia (Apprentice, DIU)
Asst. Administrative Officer and Apprentice
Daffodil International University
102/1, Shukrabad, Mirpur Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1207.
Cell: +8801671-041005, +8801812-176600