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Sample Job Interview Questions for Employers to Ask

Started by Reyed Mia (Apprentice, DIU), April 13, 2017, 02:32:29 AM

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Reyed Mia (Apprentice, DIU)

Sample Job Interview Questions for Employers to Ask

The job interview is a powerful factor in the employee selection process. It's a key tool that employers utilize in hiring. The job interview questions asked are critical in magnifying the power of the interview to help you select superior employees.

Legal job interview questions and questions that separate desirable candidates from average candidates are fundamental in employee selection. The questions you ask matter to employers. Here are sample interview questions.

Sample Cultural Fit Interview Questions

Martin Barraud/OJO Images/Getty Images
Does part of your hiring practices include a cultural fit interview? The purpose of this interview is to assess how the prospective employee will fit within the culture of your organization.

Since cultural fit is a requirement for any employee to succeed, don't underestimate the power of these interview questions in determining whether your applicant fits your culture. With good fit, skills, and relevant experience, the new employee will succeed. Use these questions to assess cultural fit.

See how to assess your candidate's responses to your interview questions about cultural fit. More

Sample Motivation Job Interview Questions

Two women participating in a job interview and asking questions about motivation
Eric Audras/ONOKY/Getty Images
These sample job interview questions about motivation allow you to understand what motivates your prospective employee. These behavioral interview questions ask the candidate to describe past experiences in motivation. They also inquire about how the candidate created an environment in which other employees chose motivation. Use these interview questions to assess motivation.

Interpret your candidate's answers to motivation interview questions. More

Sample Management Skill Job Interview Questions

Steve Debenport/E+/Getty Image
Management and supervisory skills and experience are required for certain jobs. Management experience on a resume just means your candidate had the job title of manager.

To truly assess the management and supervisory skills of your candidates, ask these management skill job interview questions.

You can interpret your candidate's answers to management and supervision interview questions. More

Sample Leadership Job Interview Questions

Young businesswoman in job interview
Assess Leadership With Interview Questions. Jack Hollingsworth / Getty Images
If you subscribe to the belief that every employee is potentially a leader, then these leadership job interview questions will help you assess each candidate's leadership skills. You want to find employees who believe that leadership is an important aspect of work performance.

You also seek employees who are willing to expand and grow their leadership abilities. Every organization needs more people who are willing to take on leadership roles. See sample leadership interview questions. More

Sample Teams and Team Work Job Interview Questions

coworkers meeting teamwork interview questions
Teamwork Interview Questions Assess Whether Your Candidate Works Well with a Team. AMV Photo/Digital Vision/Getty Images
These sample job interview questions about teams and teamwork enable you to assess your candidate's skill in working with teams. Team building skills are necessary for your most effective employees who work well with others.

Take a look at your candidate's team building experience and practice with these sample teams and team building questions. More

Sample Interpersonal Skills Job Interview Questions

Ariel Skelley/Blend Images/Getty Images
Interpersonal skills are needed for almost every job in your organization. You can use these sample job interview questions about interpersonal skills to assess your candidate's skills in interpersonal relationships.

Additionally, notice your candidate's interaction with you and the other employees with whom he comes into contact while visiting your organization. You can tell a lot by just observing the interaction.

You can assess your candidate's interpersonal skills during the entire interview process. Take a look at these sample interpersonal skills job interview questions. More

Sample Communication Job Interview Questions

Chris Ryan/Caiaimage/Getty Images
Communication skill is another aspect of your candidates' interaction that you can observe during the interview. At the same time, it is important to ask candidates behaviorally-based job interview questions about the communication skills they have exhibited on the job.

These sample job interview questions about communication enable you to assess your candidate's skill in communication. Take a look at these sample job interview questions for employers to ask. More

Sample Empowerment Job Interview Questions

AMV Photo/Digital Vision/Getty Images
These sample job interview questions about empowerment enable the employer to assess your candidate?s comfort with the concept of employee empowerment.

Ranked high as an attribute that many employers seek in their prospective employees, empowerment fuels autonomy, decision making, and goal achievement in employees. See the empowerment interview questions. More

Sample Planning Interview Questions

Chris Strong/ Stone/ Getty Images
These sample interview questions about planning enable you to assess the planning skills of the candidate you are interviewing. You want to assess planning skills in your candidate's approach to his or her job.

You also want to assess whether the candidate has project planning experience, depending on the needs of your job. Planning, goal setting, and measuring progress and success are key components of many jobs. See the sample interview questions about planning. More

Sample Decision Making Interview Questions

Blend Images/Erik Isakson/Getty Images
Are you interested in assessing your potential employee's skills in decision making? You can ask these decision-making interview questions to determine his or her experience and competency in making decisions at work.

Employers need to ask interview questions that will help you assess your candidate?s decision-making expertise for most jobs. But decision making is especially important in jobs that involve leading people. See the interview questions about decision making. More

Interview Questions to Assess Conflict Resolution Skills

Klaus Vedfelt/ Riser/ Getty Images
Want to figure out your candidate's level of skill in conflict resolution and disagreement? It's an important skill to have if he or she must work with other people.

Knowing how to negotiate for your agenda or preferred path is critical in testing out ideas and potential solutions to problems. Disagreement ensures that the team reaches the best answers and solutions. See the sample interview questions about conflict resolution skills. More

Sample Unusual Job Interview Questions Help Select the Best

Weird Interview Questions
Steve Debenport/E+/Getty Images
Are you interested in a new trend in job interview questions - or perhaps an old trend newly revived? Behavioral job interview questions are your best approach during candidate job interviews.

But, the occasional unusual job interview question has the potential to yield thoughtful information about the candidates you interview. Use both for effective candidate selection. See more about unusual job interview questions plus some samples.

Reyed Mia (Apprentice, DIU)
Asst. Administrative Officer and Apprentice
Daffodil International University
102/1, Shukrabad, Mirpur Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1207.
Cell: +8801671-041005, +8801812-176600