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Rebooting Your Career

Started by bbasujon, April 12, 2017, 02:41:25 PM

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How to Reboot Your Career

No matter what your reasons for change are, the following tips will help you find the role that's right for you.

1. Admit you Need to Start Over

Most people dislike starting over but, if you've lost your job, you may have little choice in the matter. And if you're worried that your position isn't sustainable, perhaps because of changes in the market, technology or your organization, it may be time to make a move.

The idea of rebooting your career may seem intimidating at first. But, it's better to prepare yourself now than wait and be forced into a decision you're not happy with later. Remember, the more in control you are, the less anxious you'll feel.

2. Identify What you Like to do

Decide your next move by identifying what you love about your current or previous role. Do you feel energized by it, or would a new opportunity in another department excite you more?

Consider whether your current position matches your core values Add to My Personal Learning Plan ? if it doesn't, this may be the source of your dissatisfaction. For instance, if you value creativity but have little opportunity to generate new ideas, you may feel stifled. Similarly, if you enjoy leading people but there are no management openings in your department, you might want to look for another position within your organization that does offer leadership opportunities.

3. Research Your Options

Once you've reflected on what you enjoy about your role, it's time to find out what other opportunities exist. If you've been laid off, keep up-to-date Add to My Personal Learning Plan with the industries that you're interested in by reading relevant blogs and magazines. You might also want to join a trade association, a LinkedIn? Add to My Personal Learning Plan group, or professional group in your chosen field.

If you're looking to move within your organization, keep an eye on internal vacancies, or speak with your manager about taking on additional responsibility. Remember, no one else is going to find opportunities for you ? you have to be proactive to get what you want!