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Overcoming Procrastination

Started by bbasujon, April 11, 2017, 03:36:42 PM

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Step 1: Recognize That You're Procrastinating

If you're honest with yourself, you probably know when you're procrastinating. But to be sure, take our Are You a Procrastinator? Add to My Personal Learning Plan self test.

Here are some useful indicators that will help you know when you?re procrastinating:

Filling your day with low priority tasks from your To Do List.
Reading e-mails several times without starting work on them or deciding what you?re going to do with them.
Sitting down to start a high-priority task, and almost immediately going off to make a cup of coffee.
Leaving an item on your To Do list for a long time, even though you know it's important.
Regularly saying "Yes" to unimportant tasks that others ask you to do, and filling your time with these instead of getting on with the important tasks already on your list.
Waiting for the ?right mood? or the ?right time? to tackle the important task at hand.