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A Lesson From Sport

Started by bbasujon, April 11, 2017, 02:50:57 AM

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You?ve probably watched commentators during a break between the periods of a sporting event. They typically discuss what happened during the first half of the game, and they imagine what might be happening in the locker room and how the athletes will play the second half. They might assess who is playing well, review the success of each play, and guess what the players might do or change in the next period to win the event.

Meanwhile, in the locker room, the athletes physically rest, yet they also think about the first half of the game. They might consider what?s going well and whether they?re playing at their best and focusing on the right things. After they?ve assessed what?s happened, they might then think about whether they need to make any changes for the rest of the game to achieve their goal ? which is to win.

In short, halftime is a good opportunity to think about where they?ve been, where they?re going, and what adjustments must be made. You can use this same approach in your professional and personal life.